I really like this poem, Rich. I've always had questions about Time. How old is time? When did it start?

Was there anything before it came? And what about its arrival? Were there people then? How did they know it had arrived? Did it match up with their seasons? Did they have to make new ones? Did they think it could heal all wounds, or is that something that came later? Did they know it would run out?

Thank You!

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I love this exploration. Both yours and Paul's. I've always thought of Time as the dimension we require in order to be able to perceive the three other dimensions. Without time, space is just inert. Untouchable, unmovable, invisible...

Time is like the ledge you stand on to see the landscape... But because you are standing on it it's impossible to know what the ledge is, what it looks like because you can never get off it to see it. Just that it exists and it works and it enables us.

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Really appreciate this one - as it is fleeting, so take advantage of it - and don’t over evaluate your choices - or time will vaporize all of them- go for it!

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👍🏻when you’re 75 you become more aware of how precious time is was n will be . Nice Richard

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Time is merely

The next breath.

Before that

I inhaled your poem.

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Remember Jim Croce's 'Time in a Bottle'? "There never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do, once you find them." And then consider Long Time. Since we're all really one wriggling organism, what we do today affects the lives of the seventh generation beyond our brief blips on this blue wonderball. Marking time in units only makes sense if you're out of tune with the rhythms of the days, nights, seasons. Or have a doctor's appointment. It's such an artificial human construct. Still, as you say, it insists sometimes, sometimes it plods. Resting in the awareness of every moment doesn't change its passing, but it sure makes each one of those moments ripe and sizzling. Thanks for this, Rich.

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Love! Bill

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THAT, is some very good prose...

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